The Dhammadayada Ordination Ceremony at Dhammakaya Georgia Temple
The Ordination
Upasika Kaew Ordination and Training Program in DR Congo
Support the 100,000-Monk Ordination Project
Please support the 100,000-Monk Ordination during the Buddhist Lent Project
The Summer Mass Ordination Project at Khao Kaew Sadej Education Center
The good news for real men who would like to repay their parents' kindness. The Summer Mass Ordination Project at Khao Kaew Sadej Education Center is opening for you to be ordained in this summer.
The International Dhammadayada Ordination Program - the 4th time for Japanese
The International Dhammadayada Ordination Program - the 4th time for Japanese.
The garage owner escapes from sins by joining the ordination
The real man has to be ordained at least one Buddhist Lent. One of the monks in the mass ordination projects unveiled his profile and inner experience.
Summer Novice Ordination Ceremony in Paris, France
Dhammakaya Paris temple arranged the 5th Summer Novice Ordination Ceremony on July 18, 2010.
The Schedule of the 2nd Japanese Dhammadayada Ordination Project
The history and schedule of the 2nd Japanese Dhammadayada Ordination Project
I change my negative thoughts about the monk because of this mass ordination project
My life is changed because of the mass ordination project. I change my negative thoughts about the monk… Now! He was a regional manager who had a perfect life. He had a good job with high salary but he had negative thoughts about the monk. How did he change his mind? What does he get from this ordination?